o you want to go to the maximum depth of recreational diving? In 2 days (including 3-4 dives) and theory) we teach you how to dive to 40 meters/130 feet. During the theory and practical sessions you will learn everything about safety procedures, safety stops, buoyancy control, special deep diving equipment and gas management.
his is a very popular Specialty for divers but also for snorkelers as more and more digital cameras become better and cheaper. During this course you will learn the tricks of Underwater Photography and your friends will be jealous of the pictures you bring home! In 1.5 days including 2 open water dives you will master the skills. You can use your own underwater camera. If you don’t have one, no worries! Scuba Center Asia can provide a digital (HD) camera for depths up to 30 meters.
he biggest benefit of diving with Enriched Air is getting less exposed to nitrogen. Longer No Decompression Limits due to less exposure and absorption of nitrogen will give you longer time to spend on a depth compared then just diving with normal air. On top of this, you will have shorter surface intervals, so can do more diving in one day. Choose to do just the theory or make a combination with 2 open water dives where you analyze and dive with your dedicated tanks! Costs: $220 incl 2 open water dives.
usa Lembongan is the best place to learn your drift diver specialty course due to constant currents. You will find out this is a must have course whenever you want to do some more diving in the Coral Triangle. You will learn techniques for using drift diving equipment, practice buoyancy control, communication and how to stay close to your buddy. This course will take two dives so you can do this is 1 day.
o you want to optimize your buoyancy in one day and be more conservative with your air? Scuba Center Asia can help you with this. During 2 open water dives we teach you how. With a combination of skills and games we make this Specialty effective and fun!
earch and Recovery comes in handy whenever you or your buddy dropped something in the water from shore or boat. Or even if you lose something underwater while diving. During this course you will learn; different techniques to locate small or bigger objects and how to rig them to bring the object safely to the surface with a liftbag, tie knots you can use underwater and at the surface and advanced search pattern using a compass.
hy are sharks so important to our marine ecosystem? Why are they so interesting and beautiful creatures? Why are they disappearing in such high speed? This specialty will give you answers to these and more questions. In class we will discuss different topics related to sharks whilst being interactive with each other. If you like we can attach 2 dives to the course where we shall look for different kind of sharks in the waters of Nusa Lembongan and Penida, Bali.
hy are sharks so important to our marine ecosystem? Why are they so interesting and beautiful creatures? Why are they disappearing in such high speed? This specialty will give you answers to these and more questions. In class we will discuss different topics related to sharks whilst being interactive with each other. If you like we can attach 2 dives to the course where we shall look for different kind of sharks in the waters of Nusa Lembongan and Penida, Bali.
n one day (2 open water dives) you will learn the technique to identify the most common families and species found in tropical waters. You will find out that over 20.000 different kind species of fish live beneath the surface. Instead of learning them all by hard we rather concentrate on identifying fish families, this is where you learn to look for characteristics. Interesting and the perfect way to increase your knowledge of the beautiful aquatic world.
iver or non-diver, you can be the ambassador of the aquatic world. Learn everything about how coral reefs exist and why they are so important. Learn why many coral reefs have problems and how you can do your share for keeping them healthy.
uring 3 night dives you will become a specialist in navigation, communication and you will discover the nightlife of the aquatic world. Armed with a compass and torch, you will find out which of the fish species are active at night. For example: big schools of barracudas start with their dinner while we glide our way through the night and will be play with some bioluminescence! A note for this PADI Specialty course is that we are dependent on the water conditions.
ncrease effectiveness of planning a dive, swim directly to your favorite object, conserve air and avoid long surface swims, estimate distance and how to use an underwater map. These are the core elements which describe the Underwater Navigator Specialty. In 2 days, including 3 dives you will become the person who leads future dives and brings everybody back to the starting point at the end of a dive.
n some countries the Emergency Oxygen Provider certification is required before you can give O2 to a patient. This specialty is therefore great to combine with your Emergency First Responder course. You go deeper into assembling and dissembling your O2 systems,non-breather mask and the non-resuscitator demand valve. We will also have a practice on a non-breathing diver. Ask your instructor for more details.